Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This is a long my ride to the shop every day.  It is a short but beautiful canopied drive.  You almost feel as though you are in a tunnel. And to me the way the shadows are falling it reminds me of the Fall.  When the Fall rolls around you get to see such dappling of the shadows.  When I hit this spot as I am on my way to the shop or going home it relaxes me.  Do you have a favorite spot as you drive around town.  E-mail me your pictures and we will start an online album. 

Yep, I have hit that golden age where you don't have those cute curvy ankles anymore.  They are more like the Pillsbury Douhboys'. They are usually fine except when it is such hot weather.  Then they expand.  I remember looking at my Granny's ankles and saying 'Oh lordy'.   Now I look down and say 'Oh lordy'..  Why couldn't it be her nice slim figure instead.  Well, she did wear one of those lace-up corsets.  I sure couldn't do that.  I would feel claustrophobic. But what great posture.  So Fall rush on in so I can get my ankles back in shape. 

Don't forget about all the activities at the shop this weekend.

See you at the shop.

1 comment:

Lisa Ayers said...

Love the way this looks Gail. Will have to wait for my flowers to bloom before submitting my pic, but they never fail me!

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