Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well, the rugrats did not make it to the groomers. Prissy was a happy camper. Rhett was not feeling well so I took him to the Vet. Needless to say $$$$ later they decided he has a nervous stomach. He has antibiotic and some nasty paste to help him get back to normal. She also told me even though he did not like the food she put him on it was better for him. Sounds like a pediatrician doesn't it. When I took him home today I gave him his nerve pill. Hopefully, when the storms hit he will be a little calmer.

I passed these guys on the way to work the other day.

I bet they are loving this weather and are not worried about the price of gas. The road I come to town on is so beautiful and full of all kinds of wildlife. One section of the road has a canopy of trees. The drive gets me psyched for the day or relaxes me in the evening on the way home.

The book club meeting is Monday night. We will be working on a book about me. We are always doing pages of other people not ourselves. The first meeting is titled 'Then & Now'. Bring baby pictures and pictures of you now. You will work on these pages during the meeting. At the meeting we will decide what the next theme will be. The possibilities are limitless. We are gonna have some fun and learn some interesting things about ourselves and each other.

Well it is time to close the doors. See ya tomorrow!

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