Sunday, June 8, 2008

Well I had a busy day today. Cynthia came over from Mayo. She did not get the message that the meeting was cancelled. We had a great time surfing and checking out a few blogs. She is out of the cage, so lookout world. She retired from teaching after teaching for over 30 years. Then Susan arrived from the Panhandle. She will be here most of the week so I will get to visit with her again. The link to her blog is on my blog list. She does some wonderful pages. The blog does not do her pages justice. They are awesome viewed in person.

Last night when I was watering a cute little bunny ran from under the flower bench at the front door. He was fast. I barely had a glimpse before he went around the corner. I hope he scurried to the woods behind the shop. We need to get some rain soon. It is too hot to water even in the late afternoon.

The Sunshine Stampers have their meeting tomorrow afternoon. They always come in with such great cards. Speaking of cards I better get busy and get that card done for the class this week. Too much visiting and not enough creating.

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