Monday, July 7, 2008

Well here is the finished job. I did a little trimming out yesterday between the rain showers. I thought I would have trouble with the weed eater but it started on the second pull. It was a busy day. I also gave the rugrats a bath. They look so soft and fluffy. Prissy looks like a little lamb with her curly hair. Rhett needs a haircut because he is feeling this hot weather.

I was out on the patio watching the rugrats as they wandered the yard and noticed Pokey run from his hay bale. I thought 'oh no there is a snake in his hay'. Then out from under the fence ran a little fox with a Mockingbird hot on his tail. Boy those birds chase everything. Earlier i had spotted one after a squirrel. That maybe why Rhett isn't crazy about the back yard like he used to be. I spotted him being chased the other day. How long is nesting season? We do have a couple of Hummingbirds floating around. the love the confederate jasmine but that has just about bloomed out. Belinda needs to get back and freshen up their feeder.

Nan was here Saturday with a really neat book she made with tags. She had just a few more things to finish and she was going to post it on her blog 'Nan's Niche.' She is listed on blogs to visit.

This is Lucy's layout for Friday.

There is lots of glitter. This would be a great page for a birthday or a 4th of July layout. Sign up early the spots go fast.

How about some fun products to play with this Summer. There are words and swirls that are sticky on both sides. One side sticks on your project the other you sprinkle glitter or flock( looks like velvet). The flock kit has 12 colors. We also have several different types of glitter. You could even apply gold leafing.

Don't forget to check out the calendar for our sale days.

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