Friday, March 22, 2013

Road Trip - March 22, 2013

Another day working at the shop.  Yep, got that second layout finished.  Yahoo!!!!  Now I can look forward to a weekend filled with paperwork.  Ugh!!!!  Road trips have changed since I was young.  No more fussing about who is touching who.  You know those old backseat complaints.  Now they have movies, headphones, I-phones, and I-pads.  Whatever happened to I spy or counting the bugs going by.  Oh well it makes the driver a little less stressed to have them so occupied.  On to the layout...

Stay warm and dry this weekend.

Smiles 'til I see you.

Livin' The Good Life

After I did my post last night I finished the layout.   Trying to take the picture last night gave me a fit.  I either had too much light or there was a glare.  Oh well you can see the layout and you will put your pictures in those spots.  I know I have told you how my family loves to fish (that includes baby Sis).  I keep thinking I came from some where else because that is the last thing on my list of fun things to do.  I can remember going with my Mom.  That was before all the fishing boats came along and you could actually eat fish from the waterways.  She could sit on a canal bank for hours. Ugh!!!  If we had time out back then I think should could have used going fishing and that would have snapped me into shape.  I have gotten off the subject of our fist layout this week.

Headed to the shop to work on the second layout.

Smiles 'til I see you.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21, 2013

Just got home from a full day at the shop.  Boy!!!!  I have not done that for a while.  I guess this daylight savings time helps.  You don't realize how late it really is.  One good thing is the first layout for next week is almost finished. 

During class this morning I was minus my rubber mat for embossing with the Cuttlebug.  I told the ladies I was gonna look for it last night and forgot. Everyone gave me ideas on how to memo myself so I don't forget.  Well I forgot to check around when I first got home.  I forgot to memo myself.  It is like I once told my Dr. who wanted me to take hormones.  He said it would help me remember things.  I told him that would be great if I could remember to take the hormone pill.  He just laughed.  So here I am sitting down to eat my cereal and check my e-mails and right under the corner of my laptop sat that darn rubber mat. 

Have a great evening.

Smiles 'til I see you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16, 2013

Another Card Blitz is history.  Two days of fun with the ladies.  Even with the crazy folds they did great.  Donna Sue did amazingly with her injured hand.  Thank you ladies for helping her here and there with the harder tasks. 

I was supposed to go the High Springs with the ladies. But when you get up at 5:15 AM and start running full speed that speed starts to drop off as the day progresses.  I know they are having a great time.

Next week is card class.  Let me know if you plan to attend.  So you can mark your calendars.  The even weeks in the month will be for scrapbook pages.  The odd weeks of the month will be for card classes.  The third weekend of each month is Card Blitz.  The class is offered on Friday and Saturday at 10 am.  Starting in April I will offer a make up class on the first Saturday of the month.  I need to plan for you so before coming we will plan the cards or layouts you wish to make up. So please reserve your spot for the weekly class.  By doing this I will have your cards or layout cut ahead of the class on Saturday.  If you are confused just call me and I will help you untangle everything.

Smile 'til I see you.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

You're Great

My second layout did not post Sunday night.  So here is our cute Statue of Liberty.
I have one more layout class this week.  It will be Thursday morning at 10. I have kits available for two more people for Thursday's class. The next layout class will be on Tuesday March 26th.  Then each month the layout class will be the 2nd and 4th Tuesday.  Unless the class out grows one day a week. 

There are still spots available for The Card Blitz on Friday and Saturday.  Just give me a call to let me know if you plan to attend.

Smiles 'til I see you.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


It seems Spring like out today but our first layout for this week is all about Winter weather.  We came close to having snow this year but eased by without any. But these girls sure are enjoying those flurries.
I like to experience snow in little bits and pieces.  I definitely could not live in it.  The layout class is Tuesday at 10:00 am.  Please call me if you plan to attend.  The second layout will be posted later today.

There is still room for the Card Blitz either on Friday morning or Saturday morning.  Both classes start at 10:00 am.  Call if you plan to attend so I can save your spot.

Smiles 'til I see you.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3, 2013

BRRRR!!!!!  Can you believe this weather.  It looks like South Georgia may be having some snow flurries.  It is cold enough here for some flurries.  I have stayed inside today.  Tomorrow morning is supposed to be the coldest. 

This week will be card classes.  Two cards and one of those is a Christmas card. Trying to get those cards ready before next Christmas crunch.  If you plan to attend please give me a call. 

Next Saturday is our gathering.  We will be meeting at the shop.  The hours are from 10:00 'til 2:00.

Have a great week and hopefully I will see you for class or at the gathering.

Smiles 'til I see you.

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