Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011

Time for that cute little Easter layout. Those little egg hunters had fun dashing around the yard on Sunday. The eggs were hidden in the shade as much as possible. BUT!!! It was still hot. It did not take them long to dash and find those eggs. I think we only lost 2 eggs.

Better finish up and get my little girl home and tucked into bed.

See you at the shop.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

WOW Friday tomorrow. If you plan to attend please bring some of your favorite light ink colors. As well as a few sponges. We are gonna do some masking. Not wearing masks! Be ready for some fun.

Saturday is Cricut Club.

See you at the shop.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

X is for x-tra fun.

What kinda things do you really have fun doing? With kids you never know what that imagination will come up with. Have fun digging out those great pictures. This little guy was not gonna let those yearlings keep his wheels.

Remember this Friday is crop and WOW. No I am not sure what we will play with during WOW. But be ready to have some fun. Saturday is Cricut. Come join the fun!!!

Gotta get those cards ready for that wild Thursday group.

See you at the shop.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Palm Sunday.

What a beautiful Palm Sunday morning. We are truly blessed.

We had a great time at Card Blitz. The ladies cranked along and we finished before closing. That is a good thing. We had owls, birthday's, and an Easter basket. There were some newbies and they did just fine. Having fun in class is wonderful. Eyes and nose!!!! We learned that in the Thursday class enjoying much laughter.

This week we have our regular classes and WOW Friday. If you have any suggestions for WOW send me an e-mail, call me, or stop in the shop. It is always good to have new ideas.

There is a special golden egg hidden in the shop. It will move each day. You have 6 days to win a little surprise. Each day will be a different prize. You can only win once. This will give more people a chance to win. Have fun hunting that golden egg!

Have a beautiful day.

See you at the shop.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On The Farm

Don't you just love how kids play in the dirt. Give them a tractor, truck, or whatever and the start digging. Enjoy this weeks layout.

Gotta get myself headed to the homestead.

See you at the shop.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crave The Wave!

Are you thinking about those Summer beaches? Well our layout for the week shows some Summer fun.

So you better be enjoying this cool weather while it lasts. Because all too soon it will be stinking hot!!!!

Gotta boogie.

See you at the shop.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Had a wonderful weekend full of laundry and organization. It always feels good to get straightened out. If you can ever get straightened out. Slept in until about 8:15 Sunday morning. And for Miss Priss that is late. Enjoyed her morning walk. I have a Bottlebrush tree just at the back corner of the house and it is blooming. In all those blooms were Hummingbirds. There were so many it was amazing to hear the sounds they make. Then I would watch them zoom off to the Oak tree. What a way to start the day.

The sidewalk sale went well. There were lots of goodies and the ladies bought a lot from each other.

Here is Sandie and her table being checked out.

Here is Nan and Lynn with their table full of goodies.

Sidewalk shopping fun.

Friday is WOW. We will be learning a few more techniques using our Cuttlebugs. So bring the bug, it's plates, rubber mat, folders, and any Nestabilities.

Saturday is Cuttlebug fun from 10:00-4:00 p.m.

The Easter tree is up. I will soon have a picture posted.

I just heard we may e in the 30's in the morning. Glenda told me today that we might get that low. Hey I was skeptical. But then you here it from the weatherman and think oh my. We will be wishing for this cool weather soon enough.

See you at the shop.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The sidewalk sale has begun. Lot's of goodies to be had. There were some early birds that scooped up some good bargains. But there are still some great buys out there. So come on down and start shopping.

See you at the shop.

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