Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013

Just thought I would send a little post regarding the new Cricut cartridges released after August 1st.  They now come in a small box about 4 inches square. Here is a picture of one of the new books. they are very small but easier to follow. 

 You will need to order a universal keypad.  This is how the pad looks.
 This too will be easier.  We have been numbering the pages of our books to help us find them on the the keypad.  So now the keypad is numbered.  It will be interesting to see how those little books fit into those storage boxes.  Gosh!!!  I bet there will be a new box design coming our way soon.

Smiles 'til I see you.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

School Zone - August 24, 2013

This is our second layout for next week.  All those kiddos are back in school.  So here is a layout for the first day of school.

 I had the pleasure of picking up the kiddos a couple of days last week.  Oh my goodness!!!  Homework.  I feel for those parents that have to help them.  My brain went into the DUH mode.  I don't know which is worse... playing kick ball or helping with the homework.  Yep.  I played kick ball a couple of weeks ago.  Too dang hot!!!  That was my excuse. 

Layout class is Tuesday and Thursday at 10 AM.  Please let me know if you plan to come. 

Smiles 'til I see you.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Seashore - August 23, 2013

School has started.  Days at the beach are gonna be weekends only. Chances are those beach vacations have already come and gone this Summer.   Those sunny days with the kids are so much fun.  You never know what they are gonna do next. 

So of course our first layout is showing what fun those kiddos can have.  That little brother trying so hard to copy whatever his big brother does.

Well I better get back to school.  Yes, that is the theme for our second layout. 

Smiles 'til I see you.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Heartbreaker - August 11, 2013

Two layouts done for this week.  Here is our second layout.  Two beauties for sure.

Now the two layouts are done and I can focus on the Card Blitz. With this hot weather I'm thinking maybe I should do some Fall cards.  You know wishful thinking for cooler weather.

Remember the layout class is Thursday and Card Blitz Friday afternoon at 1:00 and Saturday morning at 10:00.  Be sure to let me know if you plan to attend either class. 

Smiles 'til I see you.

Fun & Games - August 11, 2013

My goodness here we are in August already.  That means Thanksgiving and Christmas is not too far away. This week is layout week and this is our first layout for the week. It is so much fun watching the kids having fun playing kickball. 

This is such a busy week.  Layout class on Thursday, August 15th.  Stillwaters assisted living Friday morning.  The Card Blitz Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  Whew!!!! 

Better get back to the other layout for the week.

Smiles 'til I see you.

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