Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wild Thing

Love the nice soaking rain we had this week. But I did not like the temp turning so warm today. Oh my! Needless to say my little fur ball is not wearing her sweater this week.

The layout title is 'Wild Thing'. You could have pictures of almost anything that would fit in with this title. I think I could have used any family pictures. It is always wild around our house when we all get together. But the pictures I used were of a sweet family at the zoo.

Have a wonderful evening. Better get finished here and get on home. Tomorrow is the 1st Thursday of the month. That means the ladies are bringing lunch. Oh my!

See you at the shop.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well we actually had a little bit of rain today. We just need a good long soaking day. As I left home today I spotted a wading bird trying to find enough water to stand in.

This week we have the title 'Good Times'. We all can remember fun times we have had. My Brothers love to fish. Oh well, my Sister does too. But she doesn't get to go very often or at all. My Brothers usually go to the Gulf to fish. These shots are of them fishing with their Sons. Fishing is not something I ever really enjoyed. I think I just don't have the patience to sit and wait for that pole to move.

Gotta get moving and set the table for those wild and crazy ladies.

See you at the shop.Align Center

Monday, February 20, 2012

What a windy day we had yesterday. My goodness I felt like Winnie the Pooh. Even Prissy had trouble keeping her balance. It was a better day for the re-enactment. At least it wasn't stormy and rainy.

Saturday's Blitz was lots of fun. The ladies did well and we finished in record time even with the unusual cards we made. Thank you ladies for making it a fun day. I know I stress myself out sometime but you always get me back on track.

Our thoughts are with Rosemary in the loss of her Mother.

Our sale this week: 35% off all Chipboard, 35% off all Tools & Punches, 50% off all Magazines and Books.

Have a wonderful day today.

See you at the shop.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Watch Me Grow

This darn weather can not make up it's mind. One minute we are frozen. Then it drizzles a little rain. I know every little bit helps but... really. We could use an all day soaker. Today I had to turn on the AC. Jeez Louise! We don't need to start with the heat so soon.

Our layout for this week showcases how fast children grow up. One minute you are helping them with everything. The next minute they are helping you. Grab those photos and scrapbook them so you can always remember those changing moments.

Better finish up and get the table set for that Thursday wild bunch. There will be a crew of them tomorrow. I love those crazy ladies.

See you at the shop.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My goodness it does not feel like Winter these last couple of days. I know it will change in a split second. I hear by the first of the week we will be back down in the 30's.

Next week will be Valentine's Day. So this week our layout is celebrating the loves of our lives. So start digging those special pictures out and start putting them on a page.

Well, it is early yet so it will be nice to get the little girl home and tucked in early for a change.

Saturday is Cuttlebug fun. So pack up those little bugs and come play.

See you at the shop.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The weather has been so beautiful the last couple of days. The weathermen keep threatening us with a rain forecast but nothing drops from the sky. Just enjoying this early Spring we are having.

This weeks sale is: 55% off all QuicKutz items
35% off Brass Stencils
50% off Primary Elements Powders

Have a great day.

See you at the shop.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My goodness, I can not believe this is the first day of February. In a couple of weeks will be Valentine's Day. Hope you have your cards ready.

For our layout this week we will be in the wilderness. The pictures I used show three generations in the woods. And of course all that activity makes you sooo tired. There is nothing like taking a quick nap in grandfather's arms. So precious. Love it!!!

Better get closed up. Gotta get home and make some cornbread. Well maybe, I will wait until the morning to do that. I'm thinking it would be better to get a good nights sleep before tomorrow.

See you at the shop.

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