Friday, October 1, 2010

The bead class with Beth was a lot of fun.   Several new ladies did some really cute bracelets.  Such cute Halloween beads. They ranged  from the cutesy to the elegant.  Lot's of glitter and glass.    I will be posting a picture of the next project which is scheduled for November 1st. It is a whole set.  Necklace, bracelet, and earrings.  They are clear, colorful beads.  They would make a great Christmas gift for someone.  We will be having the bead classes on the first Friday of  each month.

Have you ever been in one of those "fast" checkout lines.  Yesterday, I had to zip into Wally World before my morning class.  I'm running slow as usual but I needed envelopes for those Fall cards.  Ok.  I hustle in the front door.  Grab a cart and head for the office supplies.  I grab my envelopes and head for the peanut butter.  Oh yeah I needed to replenish my stash at home.  Yikes, I haven't been in the food area since the remodel.  I knew it used to be on the end at the center aisle.  Naturally, now it is at the opposite end of the center aisle.  Grabbed my double pack and head for the front.  I normally don't checkout at the food section but there was one of those express lines vacant and I steer my cart for it.  Just as I am pulling in, the cashier is leaving the area to return a cart.  Ok, she's back before I finish putting everything on the counter.  She starts her scan and my side is not catching up to her scanning.  It seems to be hung up.  "Do I need to cancel my side?"  No, it will soon catch up.  In the mean time several people come and go behind me not wanting to wait out the transaction.  Finally I couldn't stand it and I hit the cancel button.  Surprise, surprise,  it worked and I completed my purchase.  So much for EXPRESS!!!!

I am still without the receipt printer.  But my mind has not been up to spending hours working through the problem with the computer guys.  Maybe Monday I will be rested and in fighting form.

Tomorrow is Play Day.  What are you gonna bring in to play with?  It is always interesting to see the projects.  Everybody has something fun to share with each other.  I think I am gonna punt all this computer business tomorrow and enjoy some playing myself. 

Prissy is digging her bed so I guess that means bedtime.  So I am gonna close down and watch a little TV (if I can stay awake). 

See you at the shop.

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